11/08/11: Updated with Google+ point entry. Details below.
A long time ago… well almost 13 years ago, Avalon.ph was established (you can read our short history here). It was 1999, the Philippine Internet community is buzzing with companies and websites riding on the dotcom boom. Unfortunately after 13 years, most didn’t make it.
Since 1999, Avalon.ph continues to be one of the most patronized local online shopping websites in the country. We would like to say “thank you” again for your amazing support. To end 2011 we would like to give you an opportunity to win some of the most coveted items this upcoming Holiday season.
Here’s your chance to win a Moleskine Star Wars Large Limited Edition Plain Notebook! Not only that, by joining this giveaway you are also increasing your chances of winning our next one (a Moleskine planner)! Read on for the details.
A limited edition dedicated to the greatest space epic ever told combines classic Moleskine features with exclusive artwork from the original 1977 film.
The Moleskine Star Wars Large Plain Notebook is presented in a black hard cover with silk screen printed and debossed Star Wars graphics, quotes, logo and a paper band with a fleet of X-Wings. The inner pages are decorated with material from the Lucas film archive and include bespoke Star Wars paper inserts or stickers and full-colour end papers.
Features 240 pages of acid-free plain paper, pocket, ribbon and elastic closure.
Mechanics. Do at least one of the following:
1. Leave a comment below about the first time you heard about “Star Wars”. It doesn’t have to be about the film, it can be about their comic books, action figures & other merchandise/variations. (+1 point)
Note: Entry won’t count if for some reason you unintentionally talked about … Star Trek.
2. Blog about this giveaway with your answer for #1 linking back to this post. Please enter the link of your blog entry in the comments below. (+3 points)
3. Twitter (+1 point). Just tweet: Win a Moleskine Star Wars Large Plain Notebook courtesy of @avalonph! Details here: http://bit.ly/srAHJy
4. Tumblr (+1 point). Check out avalonph.tumblr.com and reblog the specific Moleskine Star Wars entry posted in this Tumblr link. No follows required.
(new: updated 11/09/11) 5. Add us on Google+ and share our contest link. “Sharing” through Google+ is the only requirement but it would be easier to track it if you add us first. (+1 point)
Giveaway Twist: All points earned participating in this giveaway will have a chance to count as extra entries in our next one (Moleskine 2012 Large Planner). Make it so that you join now and increase your chances of winning!

– This giveaway is open only to residents of the Philippines with an address that is serviceable by major couriers.
– Giveaway starts on Nov. 2 (Wednesday), ends on Nov. 16, 2011 at 1:00pm (Manila time). All valid entries will be tallied and a winner drawn via a List Randomizer website. We will announce the winner within 36-48 hours. Winner must respond within a reasonable period, preferably 2-3 working days.
– We will not answer inquiries about the number of entries you entered. We are very efficient in monitoring giveaway entries so do not worry. We will not notify a user if his entry is invalid. Avalon.ph reserves the right to invalidate entries that are considered ‘dubious’, ‘malicious’ or from ‘fake’ accounts.
– Upon willfully engaging an entry to this giveaway you are waiving all rights to contest the rules, our handling of this giveaway and the results. COMMON SENSE apply on all disputes, loopholes and oversights. Avalon.ph is the SOLE arbiter to decide which entry is valid. Avalon.ph reserves the right not to really change, but to fine-tune the mechanics as we see fit during the duration of the giveaway.
Good luck and may the force be with you!
Website note: We do not have stocks of the Moleskine Star Wars Notebook and the Moleskine 2012 planners. Sorry!