Why You Should Get Pingdom For Your Website?

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Pingdom.com started offering one website or server for monitoring for free a few months ago. Since a monitoring service is something I feel that’s essential for any website I signed up. Early this morning I received my first downtime e-mail alert:

Pingdom email

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I strongly suggest you take advantage of the free website monitoring offer of Pingdom.com. This is one way of silently monitoring the reliability of your webhost, besides it’s free – www.pingdom.com

– This is an unsolicited post.

New Titles Posted, Jul-Aug 2009 (1st)

The Reader


The Art of Dramatic Writing by Lajos Egri (1972)
Six Easy Pieces by Richard Feynman
Tatterhood and Other Tales
The Art of the Novel by Milan Kundera
Exterminator! by William S. Burroughs
The Government Manual for New Wizards
Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage by Kurt Vonnegut
Angels & Insects: Two Novellas by A.S. Byatt
How Rich Countries Got Rich… and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor by Erik S. Reinert (HB)
100 selected poems by e.e. cummings
Food: True Stories of Life on the Road (Travelers’ Tales)
Slam by Nick Hornby (Hardbound)
Six Easy Pieces by Richard Feynman
The Twilight Zone: The Original Stories (Bradbury, Matheson)
A Song for Lya by George R.R. Martin
Richard Matheson: Collected Stories Vol. 1
Lizard by Banana Yoshimoto
Just Curious, Jeeves : What Are The 1001 Most Intriguing Questions..
Surely, You’re Joking.. + What Do You Care… Richard P. Feynman 2-in-1
Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl (HB)
The Works of H.G. Wells (Leatherbound Collection)
The Awful Truths: Famous Myths, Hilariously Debunked
The Best American Poetry 1991 (Mark Strand)

Wicked: The Life & Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
Introducing Postmodernism (Comic Book Form)
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
On Beauty by Zadie Smith
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
The Vintage Bradbury by Ray Bradbury
Good Benito by Alan Lightman (Einstein’s Dreams)
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
The Ground Beneath Her Feet by Salman Rushdie
Identity by Milan Kundera
Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
The Directory of Possibilities by Colin Wilson & John Grant
Rosebud: The Story of Orson Welles by David Thomson
Cosmic Critiques: How & Why Ten Science Fiction Stories Work
The Lost Wine: Seven Centuries of French into English Lyrical Poetry by John Theobald
The Best American Poetry 2000 (Rita Dove, Guest Editor)
Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories by Italo Calvino
Origami Sourcebook: Beautiful Projects & Mythical Characters by Jay Ansill
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman
Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog by John Grogan
The Mammoth Book of Awesome Comic Fantasy
Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? by Lorrie Moore
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Atonement by Ian McEwan (Movie Cover)

Happy shopping!


Waking the Dead Book Launch

Waking the Dead

Anvil Publishing launched “Waking the Dead and Other Horror Stories” by Yvette Tan yesterday August 15 at Powerbooks, SM Megamall.

Yvette Tan is an Avalon.ph client of more than 8 years patronizing books and Moleskine notebooks. Through the years she’s not just a regular customer but someone whom I considered a friend.

Ms. Yvette Tan took some time to answer three questions we submitted.

Avalon.ph: What kind of experience awaits those who will read “Waking the Dead and Other Horror Stories”?

Yvette: I think they’re in for a lot of weirdness. The weirdest thing being that the stories in the book aren’t strictly horror. I’d like to think that they’re more stories about when reality goes a bit awry. I guess it;s because I never really set out to write what people call ‘horror.’ I got stuck with the label when people started coming up and saying my stories kept me up at night (my mom was not so lucky. She got people coming up to her asking why her weird daughter wrote such nasty stories). So what to expect from Waking the Dead? Expect a Philippines that is familiar yet totally different from the one we live in.

Avalon.ph: Which story in “Waking the Dead and Other Horror Stories” had theĀ  most changes from idea to draft to final print and why?

Yvette: You should have seen the last draft I submitted to the publishers! Half of it was marked in red. I took out a lot of stuff, tightened the stories, so that what you have now is a faster, better read. I like the idea of my stories being easy to read. I mean, I like books that are easy to read, so why should the things I write be any different? I think the tight edit has worked – people have told me (or each other, mostly on Twitter) that the stories they’ve read so far have bothered them, kept them up at night, and made them google certain bridges. One is a TV executive, one is a musician and one works in a men’s magazine. So it’s really a book for everyone.

Avalon.ph: Let’s face it, a lot of readers were introduced to reading books or fiction through Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code or the Twilight series. Why do you think they should pick up “Waking the Dead and Other Horror Stories” as their next read?

Yvette: Because Waking the Dead is not like the Da Vinci Code or Twilight or Harry Potter. There can only be one Dan Brown, one Stephanie Meyer, one JK Rowling. Also, because after reading such long books, I’m sure readers would want to rest with a bunch of shorter stuff. Like the stuff in Waking the Dead, for example. Also, the book contains a lot of familiar characters in unfamiliar settings. I’d like to think that it’s very Filipino, but unfamiliarly so. You know, you read a story that has a kapre in it and you say ‘That’s just fiction. That couldn’t happen to me.’ But since you’re Filipino, that thought is immediately followed by ‘… Or could it?’

Yvette Tan’s comments about Avalon.ph: “I have been an Avalon.ph book buyer for almost a decade now. No better place to get hard-to-find, quality literature. I have also Avalon.ph to blame for my addiction to Moleskines. Once you go black, you can never go back.”

Thank you Yvette!

For a review of Waking the Dead and Other Horror Stories check out the Inquirer.net link.

You can also check out Yvette Tan’s blog on Adventures in TV Land: the misadventures of a media mercenary. You can follow her Twitter account: glossmania.

Waking the Dead and Other Horror Stories by Yvette Tan, signed by the author, is also available on Avalon.ph for Php285.00.