UPDATE (04/23 02:30am): No repeat nominations per user, but you can nominate as many friends/followers as you want. Just be conscious of your Twitter timeline, you don’t want to annoy your friends/followers. Practice FAIR PLAY, do not create Twitter accounts w/out followers just to add up your points. We read and inspect all nominations/accounts. Private profiles must (even temporarily) follow @avalonph and give us enough time to inspect and verify your entry. Remember: all disputes, loopholes, oversights – Common Sense rules!
UPDATE (04/21 13:21pm): We decided to have two (2) winners instead of one! First winner will be the one with most ‘nominations/mentions’, for the second winner we will be compiling all nominations and a winner will be selected through randomizer (1st winner no longer included). Now you have more chances to win!

Let’s head straight to the point. We’re giving away a large Moleskine Notebook through Twitter!

What is Twitter? Twitter is a social networking and instant messaging service that allows its users to send instant updates about their status. It is a great way to keep you updated what’s happening to your friends, favorite celebrities and world news. If you already have a twitter account, follow us: @avalon.ph and join our Moleskine Giveaway contest!
There is a unique twist for this contest- you won’t win, but a Twitter friend/follower of yours will have the chance to bring home the Moleskine Notebook!
Just copy and paste and tweet this:
I want @mytwitterfollower to win a Moleskine from @avalonph! Details here – http://bit.ly/aDmcp0
Obviously, change @mytwitterfollower to any of your friend’s or follower’s twitter account. As long as you enter your tweet in the format provided, Avalon.ph will easily track all your entries and ‘nominations’.
What happens next? By the end of the contest period, we will count all ‘@myfollower’ and the one with the most “nominations” will win a large Moleskine Notebook!
There’s more! All nominations/mentions (except the first winner) will be compiled another winner will be drawn through Randomizer! More chances to win!
Contest will run from April 21 to 30, 2010.

Before you start tweeting, here are the mechanics for this contest:
– Winner, or the person you ‘nominate’ should have a Philippine-based address that’s serviceable by major couriers.
– Must be able to verify your entry and should appear in my twitter stream/search (@avalonph). That means private profiles will only qualify if you have @avalonph as your follower.
– Winner/s will be notified through Twitter. Winner must respond within a reasonable period, preferably 3-5 working days.
– In case of a tie, Randomizer will be used to determine the winner.
– Winner will receive a large Moleskine Notebook (either a Classic Ruled, Ruled Reporter, or Plain Reporter- Large)
– COMMON SENSE apply on all disputes, loopholes and oversights. Avalon.ph is the SOLE arbiter to decide on issues in this contest.
– Avalon.ph reserves the right not to really change, but to fine-tune the mechanics as we see fit during the duration of the contest.
While there’s no limit to the entries/nominations you can make, please be aware that SPAMMING your twitter stream might cause some of your followers to unfollow you. Please use discretion and respect your follower’s annoyance threshold.
Make someone happy! Tweet them to win a Moleskine Notebook! Good luck!