Before we proceed with our Week 3 winner we would like to promote a local Twitter hashtag: #RP612fic.
What is #RP612fic?
From @anitero: “#RP612fic is simply a way for Philippine writers to celebrate Independence Day through micro-stories sent out over Twitter all throughout June 12. Once the 12th has come and gone, I collate the stories in a post on Rocket Kapre. We do it to remind people it’s Independence Day, because we love any excuse to write, and because it’s fun!”
Some micro-stories are being posted already, you can view them here.
More explanation of this movement is linked here (via

Check it out! Enjoy the micro-stories or better yet, participate! – #RP612fic via Twitter
Now, our Week 3 winner is @phoebecasin! She won a Moleskine Large Ruled Reporter Notebook!

For Week 4 it’s back-to-school month and this week’s giveaway we will talk about the teachers who inspired you the most!
We are giving away one (1) Moleskine Large Cahier Ruled Kraft Set of 3.

All you have to do is tweet an answer to this question:
Who was the teacher who inspired you the most?
Tweet format is:
#MoleskineLove2011 -your answer- @avalonph
Feel free to share some details with your tweet but the first tweet must include #MoleskineLove2011, @avalonph and the link. We expect some tweet variations but they will count as long as they comply with our ‘common sense’ rule.
– Contest starts June 8 and ends June 15 (Wednesday), 9:00pm 2011. Philippine residents only.
– One entry per validated tweet. Winner through a List Randomizer or something similar.
– Some might be inclined to write a blog (or Tumblr, etc) post. You are free to “drop” the link in exchange for your link but you must mention this giveaway and use the “giveaway” link back within that post. You must keep the #MoleskineLove2011 hashtag and @avalonph in your tweet though as it is our way of tracking your tweets.
If you are new to this giveaway series we suggest you skim through our previous mechanics. Most of them still applies.
So good luck everyone! We are excited to read your tweets about the educator who inspired you the most!